On February 22nd, the newest and hottest technology will hit the shelves. Sony has revealed the Vita, which is a handheld device aimed towards all those video game fanatics that want to be able to take their gaming to a whole new level and on the road. This device will allow them to use it as a controller while sitting on the couch playing their game, and then continue right where they left off when they leave the house.
The Vita has a marketing budget of $50 million dollars. The biggest budget Sony has every used. Their target are mainly men, in their 20's that play at least eight hours of video games a week. This target is very specific, which can give them an edge because they will know all the right outlets to get them the most profit. They have teamed up with Deutsch, part of the Interpublic Group of Companies, to create the campaign that includes television commercials, billboards, retail partnerships, digital banner ads and a significant presence in social media. The headline that will appear within these ads will be "Never stop playing" and also giving tribute to the popular hashtags from twitter, "#gamechanger." They are even going as far as creating pop up stores in popular cities such as Boston, LA, and San Francisco, and calling them "Vita Social Clubs," for those who want to get together and play these hand helds together.
Some of the most popular sites such as Facebook, Yahoo!, and Youtube will feature banner ads that will showcase this new device. The Vita will be sold in the United States for $249 for a Wi-Fi version, and $299 for a 3G version and the average price for its games ranges from $9.99 to $49.99.
My question is:
Do you think it is risky to have such a high budget for a device that may not have all the features someone is looking for these days. Example - the Iphone can play video, talk, text, and play games.